Art Work - Heart
Artist:Gloria Hsu
Art Work:Heart
Size:83cm x 65.5 cm (With
The “Heart” of Chinese originated from hieroglyph of Chinese characters, which was heart-shaped. Creative inspiration was from the artist’s belief that a bright mind can achieve anything. The image of artistic work using the sunflowers is a “Heart” of Chinese word, which creates a metaphor that only positive energy can meet every.
When we think about and feel those good things that we want, we have immediately tuned ourselves to the positive energy, which then causes the energy of all those good things to vibrate to you, and good things constantly appear in our life. Thus, our mind can energize everything to ourselves. This is the law of attraction.
The sky of dark blue in the background expresses the feeling that despite a lot of trouble in our life, our mind is absolutely free, like the infinite sky. Furthermore, a butterfly emerging from her cocoon makes a deep metaphor that changing the mind can change the fate as rebirth. The artist would like to encourage people to put a brave face on their difficulties in life.
All power is from within so we can generate within ourselves a feeling tone of harmony and happiness and then our life will be full of happiness and joy.